Sunday, October 28, 2007

Podcasts, Videos and Downloaded audio

As for an ebook, it was amazing what was out there but if I was going to spend money then I'd buy a book. I like the tactile feel of the paper, I like to read and look things up, words, places, maps and to re-read favorite passages again. So someone reading to me is also not my thing. And why would I download a book and then read it on my PC OH Quel horror. How could I snuggle up for a "book in bed day" with reams of print outs (more forests gone west) or worse still a laptop to browse by. Never.

Had a look at the podcasts but as I don't own an MP3 player or an IPOd and I don't listen to music, except on the radio not really my thing. Did find some travel podcasts but not interested in downloading and listening to later on. I like NOW.

I found this on YouTube. It's my son Rohan, sailing on Lake Garda in northern Italy , June 2007. It's amazing what you can find.....and I like the music too.Will keep looking for other exciting vids

Found one

Enjoy the Amazing Christopher

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